Print all possible words from phone number digits

Classic interview question :

Print all possible words from phone number digits.

This question is asked by companies like microsoft, google, facebook. Lets see example input/output to understand this problem.

This is the cellphone keypad



Where pressing ‘2’ you can type letters -> ‘a’,’b’,’c’

using 3 -> ‘d’,’e’,’f’ etc.

So given the number 23 what are the possible words ??




To make it clear in your head you can imagine, what happens when you press 2,3 keys while typing a text, if you press 2 first and then 3 what different words can you type ?  (Answer is list of words written above) since you pressed two keys all the words will be of length 2.

Lets write a function that given the key as input returns list of characters it represents, so for instance if key is ‘2’ function returns a char[] {‘a’,’b’,’c’}.

Now lets write a recursive function that will use the above function to print all possible words.

I am using a variable depth, to stop the recursion. And using Console.Writeline() to print the strings.

Interesting application of this problem can be, to convert given phone number to a readable word.

for example : 27753 -> APPLE.

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